Welcome, Voice your opinion on

Current Topics of Everyday Life

About Us

We are a team of like minded people trying to create a safe place where discussions bring us together

Any posting or reposting is for everyone to learn, read, help and engage in meaningful conversation about the current topics affecting the world today.

Popular Platforms

Our Reach is endless

Our goal is to open a blog for everyone to use to showcase their Tik Tok accounts, bring to light scams, how to protect against them. If you have anything to add to this topic please do. 

Much like Tik Tok, facebook has alot of touchy subjects that needs attention. Please share your comments and experiences with each other. 

For the mobile section, if you have suggestions, comments, concerns on different devices or programs. Information on scams please share all the details here. Lets help the community become wiser and safer.

If there are any other social media platforms that are posing and issue please share your knowledge here.

Upcoming Additions to the site

Pod Casts

Rkane Podcast

Coming soon we will branch into live and recorded podcasts about the topics that we share with the community. Please stay tuned.

Game Server Moderators

Moderator Reach Out

Coming Soon, we will be adding in a spot where moderators for games that have In game mods and server design can post to look for help or services offered.

Game Owners Advertising

Recruitment Hall

Game and Server owners can post information about their server or games to recruit players to join them.

Player Recruitment

Player Recruitment

Gamers can recruit other gamers to join their server and play as a part of their team.

Why choose us

We are like minded people working towards a common goal. Community safety, knowledge, and quality information.

High Standards

We do have high standards when it comes to the language and support when it comes to everyone as and individual and or group of people.

Cooperative Spirit

The community needs to show a cooperative spirit while sharing information about any and all topics. We all need to educate and share wisdom with each other.

Creative Passion

Individual or Group creative passion should and will be expressed without prejudice. As a community we should and will not harmfully attack anyone posts or comments.

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Let’s talk about your experiences

Create a new posting, or add on to a thread. Lets create a community of knowledge and wisdom.